Environmental Policy.

    Among the special concerns of our company are the conservation of natural resources and the protection of the environment.  Our products, our manufacturing processes and our services all take these issues into account.  It is our express goal to adhere to all environmental regulations and other requirements relevant to the environment.  In particular, this means:

    • We are obligated to avoid harming the environment and to minimizing or – where possible – eliminating anything that would cause harm to the environment.
    • We review, monitor, and document all current and future manufacturing technologies as regards their potential affects on the environment.  The goal is to constantly improve manufacturing technologies and to keep potential harm to the environment to a minimum.
    • We promote an awareness of our responsibility for environmental protection among our associates on all levels by providing information and training on a regular basis. 
    • We will take all necessary measures to prevent malfunctions or accidents that could lead to harming the environment or reduce such consequences to an absolute minimum.
    • We ensure technical and organizational compliance with our environmental policy by means of an environmental management system.
    • We encourage an open and objective dialog concerning environmental issues with our customers, government agencies, and the public at large.
    • We advise our customers about environmental issues relating to the handling or operation of our products.
    • We try to include subcontractors and suppliers in our plan for improved environmental protection.