Where business as usual means total satisfaction.

    We redefined service. Made for you!
    Discover how Schuler Service can benefit you.

    Service - Made for you stands for custom service tailored precisely to fit your needs - for new, existing, or even non-Schuler press systems.

    Fast. Competent. Reliable.

    Do you need immediate support for your press system? You can count on our 24/7 Hotline & Remote Support - wherever and whenever you need it. Schuler’s worldwide service centers are staffed with experienced Field Service specialists that are ready to be on-site and solve any problem. If one of the components of your press system ever fails, then we can quickly help you with a suitable spare part - effectively minimizing expensive downtimes. Would you like your existing press system to be efficient, Industry 4.0 capable, and perform as if it was the first day of production? Our overhaul and modernization solutions can make your press system future-ready - no matter if it is a Schuler or non-Schuler brand press.

    We have around 400 used presses - mechanical and hydraulic - from a wide variety of manufacturers. All used presses can be delivered quickly. Our goal is for you to always remain flexible in production.

    Increase the efficiency of your press shop with digital products and applications from Schuler’s Digital Suite. Digital products range from camera-based die monitoring to digital fault cause identification to smart use of machine data. Digital solutions are easy to retrofit and will prove their worth in your press shop.

    We actively support your economic and sustainability goals. Retrofits for Schuler’s Eco-Form package and Energy Monitor will ultimately save energy costs and improve your CO2 footprint.


    Discover Service Made for You - advantages, solutions, success stories, and your local point-of-contact.