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    E-Mobility Motors Technology

    Maximum precision and performance.

    You can check all the boxes when it comes to a sustainable improvement for your production efficiency: high-speed presses, electric motor lamination blanking lines and notching machines from Schuler. Manufacturers all over the world use Schuler equipment to produce not only rotor and stator plates for small electric motors but also punched magnetic steel laminations for electrical equipment such as large motors or generators.

    Our tailor-made custom system solutions offer you a wide range of production techniques and degrees of automation, both for mass and one-off production – depending on your application. You also stand to benefit from reduced unit costs across the board, including great product quality.

    Business activities


    • Spider automation


    • Spider automation


    • High-speed blanking press SMARTLINE
    • Roll feed Feedmax
    • Segment Master System
    • Stacking devices
    • Interlocked packets/stacks



    • High-speed blanking presses
    • Roll feed
