With its new TwinServo Technology, Schuler has taken servo technology to the next level and radically changed the press world.
The first transfer press with TwinServo Technology at Schuler’s Forming Center in Erfurt has a capacity of 16,000 kN and is fully automated using components made by Schuler.
The press bed houses two separate torque motors, each with a capacity of 503 kilowatts. The two decentralized drives are arranged in such a way that there is still plenty of room for the draw cushion and scrap chutes. The drives are synchronized electronically.
Schuler offers its TwinServo Technology for transfer and ProgDie presses with capacities of 10,000 to 35,000 kN. The bed length is between 5 m and 8 m, the width between 2.2 m and 3 m.
With a height of approx. 6 m, TwinServo presses are much lower than conventional models. The total space requirement has been reduced by approximately 30 percent.
Your advantages
- Greater eccentric load with same press force
- 30 percent less deflection
- Active slide parallelism
- Better view of work area
- Sound enclosure, reduced burden for operating staff
- Oil-free in work area
- Reduced footprint

1,600-ton transfer press with Twin Servo Technology